Embodied Participation in University Student Meetings


Despite a large existing body of research on school and language classroom interactions, much more is yet to be discovered on how university students interact with each other and participate in learning in higher education contexts (Benwell & Stokoe 2002). To gain a fuller picture of how participation is organised by tutors and students in university small group teaching (SGT) talk and unfold the reflexive relationship between the on-going talk and the organisation of multi-party collaborative participation frameworks (Goodwin 2007), the present study analyses video/audio recordings of peer-group and tutor-led SGT sessions across disciplines in the 1,000,000-word (approx. 120 hours) corpus named NUCASE (Newcastle University Corpus of Academic Spoken English).

Benwell, B. & Stokoe, E.H., 2002. Constructing Discussion Tasks in University Tutorials: Shifting Dynamics and Identities. Discourse Studies, 4(4), pp.429–453.

Goodwin, C., 2007. Participation, stance and affect in the organization of activities. Discourse & Society, 18(1), pp.53–73.

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